
The PCB project in Thailand is scheduled to start production at the end of next year

Created on:2024-04-01 13:01

Yaohua expects to invest in the Thailand plant, which is expected to be completed in June
Yaohua said that the first quarter of this year is expected to grow by 15% over the same period last year, and the gross margin will certainly be more than double digits, and the revenue and gross profit in the second quarter are expected to be better than the first quarter. In order to meet customer demand, Yaohua will expand the HDI production capacity of the Nantong plant in China, and also start the construction of the plant in Thailand, which is expected to be ground in June this year. It will be completed in the first half of next year and production will begin in the fourth quarter.
Although the low-margin wireless Bluetooth headset will end in the first half of the year, the car added 2 to 3 customers, the demand for the ground and sky launch end of the low-orbit satellite is very strong, coupled with the condition of high-end NB is better than last year, so that Yaohua's operating rate from less than 70% last year to 80% to 85%, this year's performance also returned to growth.
Yaohua said that this year's products are more optimistic than expected, the main growth momentum in low-orbit satellites, ground and sky demand is very prosperous, customers expect more requirements, last year, low-orbit satellites accounted for about 10% of the company's revenue, this year should be able to grow 50%, to 15%; Although there are some noise in the automotive market, the automotive customers have increased by 2 to 3, even if the market conditions are not as expected, new customers ADAS and Guangda products (high-speed computing products) have new models injection, automotive revenue is expected to be flat; PC inventory is coming to an end, higher-order NB is better than last year, and AIPC is coming, although the amount is not very large, but we are very much looking forward to the product slowly make the amount larger, this demand is estimated to increase significantly in the second half of the year.
Yaohua consolidated revenue in the first two months of this year was NT $2.547 billion, an annual growth of 23.28%, Yaohua said that the first quarter is expected to grow by 15% over the same period last year, gross margin must be more than double digits, the second quarter is better than the first quarter, the second quarter revenue and gross profit will be better than the first quarter.
In terms of various product lines, Yaohua estimated that in the first half of this year, automobiles accounted for about 42% (20% is high-frequency radar board), mobile phones about 3%, loT about 8%, NB about 26% and other 21% (low-orbit satellites about 15%).
In response to the supply chain transfer, Yaohua is expected to invest more than NT $2 billion to build the Thai plant, which is expected to be constructed in June and completed in the first half of next year, with equipment entering the third quarter and putting into production in the fourth quarter, with an initial planning of 200,000 feet.
In the future, the maximum output value of the two sides can reach 1.6 million feet.